Unscripted Stories utilises a Queer Methodology to challenge conventional design practices. Fifteen postcards have been created through a self-reflective process, all in which reveal unique and personal ties to Queerness within different life stages.
Using clear ink to reveal the stories doubles as a reflection of the discrete ways Queerness exists within society and allows the audience to use the postcards for their traditional purpose. These hidden stories can be further revealed via the ’Unscripted Stories’ App that utilises Augmented Reality (AR). These postcards are placed within zines, that allows Unscripted Stories to exist within its own space regardless of whether it is enjoyed, hated or ignored by the audience — similar to how Queerness exists within society.

Zine Contents

Zine with Postcards

15 Postcards

Postcard interaction instructions

Clear Ink Stories

Using AR App to read stories

Postcards fine details

Five Zine Variations